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May 26, 2017 1:26 pm
Foundations are a necessary component in spreading the load of a building safely across the ground. There are several factors that you ought to consider when determining the type of foundation you are going to build upon. These factors can vary from the condition of the ground to the structure of the building to nearby sewage systems. All are equally as important and none should be overlooked. So as long as you’re not too hasty with your decision, you will come to a suitable conclusion. It’s very important that you understand the pros and cons of each type of foundation before you can possibly come to a conclusion. There are many advantages to using helical piles to support your building,...
May 18, 2017 10:36 am
Grillages are a flexible and eco-friendly foundation solution. They are used when groups of piles are necessary as an alternative to concrete and are often used at the foot of a column when weighty structural loads are required to be transferred to a soil of low bearing capacity. Grillages work particularly well if the ground is soft or wet and they are incredibly quick to install. The steel grillages available from ScrewFast are manufactured from rolled steel joists, and are an economic, cost effective and speedy method for joining groups of piles to a superstructure. They can be used with any of our pile solutions and are designed to support any structure. Grillages are a lot more convenient than concrete...
May 9, 2017 2:10 pm
The foundations of our homes and other buildings are vital to the safety and longevity of the structure. In fact, the quality of your home heavily relies on the right foundations and, without correct planning and construction, there may be very serious and dangerous consequences. There are several different options for structural foundations, including concrete and helical piles, and homeowners should carefully weigh up their options before making a final decision. Historically, concrete was used in construction because it is inexpensive, hard-wearing and resistant to fire. In fact, it is still a popular choice of material in the building industry because it is extremely strong and undeniably great at spreading the weight of large structures. There are also several drawbacks...
April 28, 2017 11:30 am
The quality of your building project relies on the right foundations, which is why we’re here to help you understand the different options available to you and the advantages of each. Steel tubular piles are large hollow tubes that are hammered into the ground using a form of proficient modern accelerated hammer. Steel tubular piles are extremely robust, offering a strong and adaptable foundation solution for a variety of applications. They are frequently used on sites that have a restricted working area and for projects where a low vibration level is required. Available in a variety of sizes, steel tubular piles can be used in the majority of ground conditions for most types of structures. During installation the shape and...
April 18, 2017 7:30 am
Originating in the 1830s, helical pile elements were used effectively around the globe to bear a range of major civil engineering structures. They were invented and first used by a blind, Irish engineer named Alexander Mitchell, who recognised how effective they were at constructing lighthouses, beacons, ship moorings and other structures that sit on mud banks and shifting sands. The helix shaped blades were able to infiltrate bedrock deep below loose soil. Some of the first structures to be built using helical piles are still standing, demonstrating the effectiveness of the materials and workmanship involved. There were many benefits to using helical piles; they were readily available and fairly simple to install with hand labour, they were environmentally friendly and...
February 17, 2017 11:50 am
Before you can determine which type of structural foundation is more beneficial, you must first have a clear understanding of what each of them do and then weigh up the various pros and cons. Concrete is used a great deal in construction because it is affordable, durable, flexible and strong. In addition, it is extremely resistant to fire. Although it is undoubtedly brilliant at distributing the weight of large structures unfortunately, unless special equipment is used or very arduous excavation is implemented concrete can only be used at fairly shallow depths. This results in the entire area becoming susceptible to the effects of corrosion and soil compaction, which is bad news for the surrounding plants and buildings. Alternatively, helical piles...
February 1, 2017 3:48 pm
There are several advantages to using a helical pile foundation to support your structure; they are quicker to install than typical concrete foundations, they have reduced overall costs and they are also more environmentally friendly than other options. Originally, helical piles were used around 200 years ago but as their benefits come to light, they are being used more and more in recent years. Helical piles are environmentally friendly and economical in many ways, making them a desirable option for a deep foundation. Upon installation, helical piles produce less noise pollution than driven piles and there is very little (if any) vibration of the ground, which is quite important when installing in environmentally sensitive areas, such as historical sites or...
December 15, 2016 4:39 pm
Helical pile foundations have a myriad of applications across both commercial and residential projects. Here is a clear explanation of the 10 benefits of these steel pile foundations, and the opportunities they offer compared to digging out concrete foundations. Quick installation – helical pile foundations are faster to install than standard concrete foundations, with no dig out time and no setting time required. No excavations – there is no need to excavate or cart away spoil, which makes builds even faster and saves money on every project. No curing time – helical pile foundations can be built on immediately, there is no need to wait for it to dry so building can continue as soon as the foundation is installed....
November 3, 2016 4:38 pm
Helical pile foundations have a diverse range of uses across practically every industry. Most recently, self builders and property developers have been using helical pile foundations as a way to save time on new residential builds and even to help them build where they may not otherwise be able to. Foundations and Tree Preservation Orders Tree Preservation Orders, or TPOs, are orders made by the council giving legal protection to a tree. They can be the death-knell for some building projects and often require builders to replan their projects entirely. Carrying out work without consideration for the TPO and without approval can result in prosecution and a fine of up to £20,000. Often, planning permission will only be provided for...
October 21, 2016 11:13 am
As self-building becomes more popular in the UK, people are looking for simpler ways to build and techniques that will let them reduce spend and even build on more difficult sites. The cost of a site can vary depending on a variety of factors, and if it seen as more troublesome due to a significant slope (for example), it could mean that self-builders can buy more land or live in a more desirable location without exceeding their budget. Commercial techniques are increasingly finding their way into domestic construction, especially when builders are willing to work outside the box to find solutions. This is where helical piles have become a savior for many self-builders who would otherwise have to spend considerable...