
ScrewFast Foundations Ltd utilise a range of machinery to install each different solution. Any size plant can be used from a hand-held machine, depending upon the size of the piles being installed.
 One machine is all that is required to install any of ScrewFast Foundations Ltd’s steel foundations, with the installation rig attachment used shown in the table below. Reducing the amount of machinery required is part of the cost reduction and efficiency when installing our steel foundations.

  Driven Piling Screwed Piling Bored Piling
Hydraulic Hammer low-frequency X
Hydraulic Hammer high-frequency X
Hydraulic Vibrohammer high-frequency X
Pneumatic Hammer ‘Down the Hole’ high-frequency X
Hydraulic Torque Drive X X


(Screwed Piles=Helical / Bored Piles=GRIP® Pile / Driven Piles=Steel (DTH, 60mm – 610mm Drive Tubes, Angel, Pre-cast concrete, Polymer).  
The simple installation process means that in the majority of locations, steel is cheaper to install than concrete foundations.  Remote sites are more easily accessed also because of the reduced number and size of plant.

The efficiency and simplicity of our steel foundations means that they can be used throughout a number of industries, including roads, rail, energy, environmental, and civil engineering.